Studio: Camayagua 1260, Colonia Providencia Italia
Guadalajara, Jalisco 44630
phone (52-33) 3331-3946
US phone (toll-free from most US plans) 860-503-8978
[email protected]
Guadalajara, Jalisco 44630
phone (52-33) 3331-3946
US phone (toll-free from most US plans) 860-503-8978
[email protected]
Basic pricing estimate for Memory Quilts, made from clothing you provide. Price will vary, lower or higher, depending on quantity of material provided, intricacy of design, etc.
2 meters square, quilt, with batting, backing and yarn ties $6000 pesos
2 meters square, coverlet, with facing (backing, no filler) $5500 pesos
2 meters square, coverlet, with binding (no backing) $5000
2 meters square, quilt, with batting, backing and yarn ties $6000 pesos
2 meters square, coverlet, with facing (backing, no filler) $5500 pesos
2 meters square, coverlet, with binding (no backing) $5000